Recovery Session

Life is hard on our bodies, you should be focusing on recovering well.

We offer sessions focused on recovery that combine multiple modalities to keep you feeling your best and most supported as you hit your health, fitness, or professional goals.

Manual Therapy - Recovery Sessions- Connecticut- New Canaan- Guilford

Our Recovery Sessions…

Range from 30-60 minutes and combine modalities that are determined to keep you feeling your best. These modalities can include:

  • Dry Needling

  • Instrument Assisted Tissue Mobilization (IASTYM)

  • Cupping

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization

  • Visceral Manipulation & Fascial Release Techniques

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is when a monofilament needle is inserted through the skin and into symptomatic soft tissue in order to release the tension in the shortened tissues and promotes an increase in the circulation to the symptomatic tissue. Dry Needling is a technique that is safe and effective to improve tissue mobility, circulation, and improve pain.

Conditions include, but are not limited to neck, back and shoulder pain, arm pain (tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfer’s elbow), headache to include migraines and tension-type headaches, jaw pain, buttock pain and leg pain (sciatica, hamstrings strains, calf tightness/spasms).

Dry Needling in Connecticut

Visceral Manipulation Techniques

Visceral Manipulation Techniques are organ-specific fascial techniques based on the work of Jean-Pierre Barral. The purpose of these specialty techniques is to re-create, harmonize, and increase communication & mobility in the body to relieve symptoms of pain, dysfunction, and improve how your body functions.

There are many reasons why our fascial connections can be put under stress or strain: surgeries, pregnancy, chronic illness, car accidents & traumas, recurrent injury or over use, etc. Tension patterns form through the fascial network deep within the body, creating a cascade of effects far from their sources for which the body will have to compensate.

The goal of Visceral Manipulation techniques is to help your body return to normal function and eliminate compensatory patterns, leading to improved health and optimal body functioning

Our Process

  • Listen

    It all begins with your story. Hearing your history, your ENTIRE history, is the foundation of every new session. You will have uninterrupted time with your therapist to share your story.

  • Assess

    We value a “whole body” approach. Everything is connected, so our evaluation process has dedicated time to gather information about your system, your habits & your life. Sometimes it can take 2 sessions to get all the information.

  • Communicate

    Communication is key & one of our core values. We view education as empowerment and we pride ourselves on laying out all the information gathered during the listening & assessment stages so you can make an informed decision in your care.

  • Collaborate

    Once you have all the information, we lay out the options on how to proceed to get you back to your goals. We see this as us collaborating with you in your care; teaming up to help you meet your goals

  • Treat

    This is where the fun happens. We put in the work, change habits, view the world differently, challenge your system with new ways to move and gain strength, all with your goals in mind

  • Check your Progress

    This is where we check your progress. We are looking for change, even in the smallest degree every.single.session. We check in to see how your progress is going, roughly 1x every 4-6 weeks to see how we are progressing.